1. 概要
Figma helps design and development teams build great products, together.
2. SignUp
- What is your name?
- What kind of word do you do?
- Do any of these describe your work?
- Who do you usaully collaborate with?
- Want to invite some collaborators?
- What brings you to Figma today?
- Have you used Figma products before?
- Which plan would you like?
- What would you like to do first?
3. 初期画面
3-1. 初期画面
- Layers
- Assets
- iOS 18 and iPadOS 18
- Material 3 Design Kit
- Simple Design System
3-2. UI Kits
- iOS 18 and iPadOS 18
- Material 3 Design Kit
- Simple Design System
4. デフォルトページ名を変更
- 修正前
- Page 1
- 修正後
- FirstTouch
5. Examplesを追加
- ウェブ
- モバイル
6. Layout gridを確認
6-1. Responsive layout gridを確認
6-2. Layout gridの確認(表示)方法
- 「Shift」+「G」を同時に押す
6-3. ウェブ
6-4. モバイル
7. 備考
8. 参考
- Figma: The Collaborative Interface Design Tool
- Material Design
- Introducing Material Design Guidance for Large Screens – Material Design
- Start Here: 5 Exercises to Prepare Your App for Large Screens – Material Design
- Understanding layout – Material Design
- グリッドを使用したよくあるレイアウトの実現 – CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN (mozilla.org)